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140 Pe persoana adulta
Durata: 1 Day
Tip: Ro
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Preluare Timp: 05:00
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Hotel- kom ompo Temple
5:00 AMPick up time from Hotel to Kom Ombo temple Through Edfu temple way, It takes 4.15 Minutes
Visit Kom ombo The temple :5:00AM
The temple and the associated settlement site located 40 K.m north of Aswan, the temple was dedicated to the deities Sobek and Horus and date mainly to the Ptolemaic and Roman period(332 B.b -395 A.c)
Lunch Time 12:30PM
Enjoy your Egyptian in Local restaurant in Kom ombo temple
Visit to Edfu Temple
After the Lunch, Visit Edfu temple AT 01:00pm
Edfu temple
Upper Egyptian site dominated by a large well -Preserved temple, dedicated to the hawk-God Horus, The Construction of Ptolemaic temple of Horus,which was founded on the site of a much earlier temple, dates to the period between the reigns of Ptolemy the Third(246 B.c),The descriptions on the walls include the Myth of contending of Horus and Seth(Probably performed annually as a religious Drama.
Departure from Edfu to Marsa Alam at 03:30pm
Departure from Marsa Alam to Edfu
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